Thursday, March 6, 2014

Funny observations 3/3/14

 I get a little teary eyed reading about our family, I know your letter was about some basketball games, but It made me so happy, the pictures were almost too much.
Kendyl inspired me last week to make a list in my planner of things I find funny, as she requested I tell her anything funny. Here´s what I got, I didn´t find the week to be any more funny than the usual week, so perhaps this will tell you a little about life here.
  • - All cars are stick shift here, often we push cars for people who need a jump start, but today we pushed a bus full of people (man, it was so tiring! Not just because it had multiple tires)
  • -I went bowling
  • - I lost
  • - Instead of renting shoes, everyone goes bowling bare foot, but that still doesn't solve the problem of people falling!
  • -Don´t eat the ´fit´crackers, they do the same thing as the MTC orange juice
  • -It´s really common to have two people on a bike, clearly meant for one
  • -I can hardly hold back laughing when the ´gangsters´are on the same bicycle, not motocycle, a little bike peddler thingy
  • - If you dump enough chocolate powder in this milk, it´s okay
  • -I slipped and stepped in the suewer....sewer? Como se diz? Aquele lugar com poop (How do you say? That place with the poop)
  • -Estou esquecendo inglês (I'm forgetting english)
  • - I got zapped by one of those electric fly swatters
  • -first time I peed my pants from laughing too hard on the mission
  • -last time I stay up after 10:30pm with the mission leaders
  • -There´s are missionary named Elder Tello (from Chilie), who loves the Heinz ketchup, eats with everything, eats it plain.
  • -I was attempting to fix our water filter, I called Elder Maculupu (from Peru) to come over and help me, I had him look down the pipe, than I turned the water on and got him soaked in the face!
  • -I draw comics as a way to write in my journal, perhaps I send pictures
  • - I stopped to talk to a group of people in the road, I felt the impression to sing the spirit of god in Portuguese to them. I denied it, thinking it would be odd, we are in the road, I can´t just pull out a hymn book and start singing for them. Besides there´s music in the street, I can´t sing this song with the base beat from the car nearby. I thought, if the lord will move the car and get rid of the other music, I´ll sing.    Just as I thought that, the car drove away..... I sang.
  • -There´s these plants called cana, I think it´s kinda sugar cane in the US. About 10 feet tall, you can chop it down and shed the outside and then suck on it. Don´t eat it, or they´ll make fun of you...... You chew it, and it´s has really good sweetness, then once the juice is gone, you spit it out.
  • -Don´t try to eat a whole cana
That´s all I got for now
Love ya´ll! Love you mom. Things are so awesome here, and there´s no bugs in my food (because they are food, ) (Nanette had thanked Daylen for not mentioning things to make her worry like bugs in his food)

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